Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Which character are you?

Good morning dear reader, I hope you are well.

Do you ever find yourself identifying with characters in books?

I’ve empathazised with some very strange characters at times.
When I was working I felt like Boxer from Animal Farm. Boxer’s fate still has the capacity to reduce me to tears when I re read it. Unlike poor Boxer, I’ve escaped and I’m off to pastures new.

When I left my husband my Aunt gave me a copy of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall - it was a great comfort to know I was not alone in the dreadful experience I had been through, and the book helped me make some sense of my own predicament.

Have any fictional characters helped you to make sense of your life?

Are there any characters that you identify with?


The Plashing Vole said...

What a fine choice of book. She is clearly a woman of taste. Happy birthday, by the way.

William Boot for me, hence the Plashing Vole monicker.

Sue's Blog said...

Thank you Vole – Scoop is on my wish list of books to read once I’ve finished the MA.