Saturday, 5 March 2011


Do you like going to the dentist?

Well, a dentist in Shropshire got into trouble recently.
No – it was not for killing people or for fondling his patients - but for gassing them!

So what you might think, but Matthew Walton, the dentist is question, apparently thought it was hilarious to belch and fart in front of staff and patients at his dental surgery, and he rounded off his melodious eructations by flourishing a few V signs behind his departing patients’ backs.

After reading this you won’t be able to keep a straight face if the dentist offers you ‘gas’ next time you go for a filling.

Thursday, 3 March 2011

World Book Night

Our lecturer today reminded us that it is World Book Night on Saturday. To mark the occasion she is distributing copies of Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez to our class for us to share and pass round. This is her favourite book. I think that it is wonderful that she is sharing this with us, and I can’t wait to read it.

Sadly, I have not come across a book so far that has had that sort of life changing or profound effect on me, but that is probably because I only get time to read university set books with the odd bit of chick-lit as escapism, but I’m up for new book experiences so all suggestions are welcome.

Have you ever been so moved emotionally by a book that you would like to share it with other people – and if so what is it?