Breaking the Silence
1 week ago
Hello – and a very warm welcome to my blog. Please don’t be shy about adding comments. I love to read other people’s thoughts on things. My blog began as part of a philosophy module at university, called ‘Being Bad’. The purpose was to examine the meaning of ‘bad’ behaviour. The course has finished but my interest in blogging hasn’t. I’m a wannabe writer with a degree in English and Creative Writing from a university in the West Midlands.
I like it when the clocks go back because of the extra hour in bed :) Why does it always happen on a Sunday though? We obviously need it on Mondays damn it!
As for Halloween, its glorified begging. We put a notice up in the door and anyone who can't be bothered to read it gets ignored. Luckily, most of the kids round by us have grown up now so it doesn't matter so much.
But I agree, down with Halloween. Although seeing grown-ups dress up is just hillarious. If it was just private parties etc, it'd be easier to ignore. I wouldn't mind that so much.
Glad you reminded me about the clocks going back. It means I get an extra hour in bed before my long weekend shift.
Ditto for hating Halloween - I think the best policy is to pretend to be out.
Glad to see I'm not the only one that hates Halloween!
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