I just love this!
The lyrics are a bit weird, but I’ve had a great time debating what they are about with other Pendulum fans. Feel free to leave your suggestions about the meaning. The video is weird too – but the music is stupendous – enjoy!!!
Here are the lyrics - unfortunately they appear in continuous prose here on blogger.
Something’s tearing me downAnd downCan’t help but feel it’s coming from youShe’s a gunshot brideWith a trigger criesI just wonder what we’ve gotten our selves intoIn a trail of fire I know we will be free againIn the end we will be oneIn a trail of fire I’ll burn before you bury meSet your sights for the sun
Mind is willingSoul remainsThis woman cannot be savedFrom the drawn into the fireMind is willingSoul remainsThis woman cannot be savedFrom the drawn into the fireAny dangerBring it on home (4x)
Much to weak to jump yourselfHeal the wounds or crack the shellLift yourself from once belowMuch too weak to jump yourselfHeal the wounds or crack the shellLift yourself from once belowPraise the angerBring it on home (4x)
In a trail of fire I know we will be free againIn the end we will be oneIn a trail of fire Ill burn before you bury meSet your sights for the sunBring it on home
Responding to the anti-Bat Signal
5 weeks ago
This song and video seem satanic (relating to the devil or hell). In the video there are multiple exorcisms (th cleansing of a persons body of demons) the person in the video is putting his head up to people's heads. Then there is the part where all those shades fly out of the building near the end. The lyrics also suggest a satanic origin like the "trail of fire" and the "I will burn before you bury me" suggests that a demon would suffer greatly before you would send him back to hell.
The video doesn't draw from satanism at all. In fact, I'd call it an attack on sensationalist cult religions. If you pay close attention, it's clear that the group in the video is based on the Heaven's Gate cult, which acually had Christian roots. Te cul eventually became a UFO cult in which all of the member commited suicide on the 1997 passing of Haley's comet. Check out wikipedia for more info; it's a rather sobering article.
The bits that give away that it's probably Heaven's Gate are the black clothing, the "Away Team" armbands, the citrus juices, the poison, the shack in the woods, and the mysterious object that blocks out the sun near the end of the video. Another thing to note is that the video seems to follow the guy with the limp. In the actual events of Heaven's Gate, there was one survivor who recorded and explained everything that happened to the police a few years later. Probably a parallel there.
In all honesty, I'm not sure what to think of the lyrics. They're often the last thing added to a song and made to fit a melody. The song in of itself is awfully catchy, and the video is creative. That gives it props in my book.
Nice choice in song, Sue!
I dont get the ending of the video. What is that black and white shit coming from the shimney and what does the gangsters resemblence? Is it like they rejected gods savior (mass suicide) and stayed to live in hell or sumthing?
The black and white objects were demons.
The gangsters, I dunno.
The mass suicide was a reference to Heaven's Gate, which was a mass suicide in 1997 on Haley's Comet's passing.
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